Travel - Gettysburg

I went with my dad this weekend to visit my aunt and uncle in York, PA and while out that way took a day trip to Gettysburg. As someone who studied history it is a bit sad to admit that this was my first time being there, but it brought to me the even sadder realization that there are a ton of sites in the area that I have just never gotten around to. Oh well, perhaps I'll find the time to make a quick trip to Valley Forge before heading down DC ways. Anyway, beyond that little realization, the entire weekend was very good, very relaxing, and now I'm back for a few days before heading down to New Orleans. I know, a difficult life, but that will all be changing in a few weeks.
These are a couple of pictures from atop Little Round Top, a site where some of the battle's most significant fighting took place, and aside from strategic importance offers a very nice view.
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